WARNING: This admiralverse is a toy example. For real code see the pharmaverse.org.
The goal of admiralverse is to model the main use case of the dverse package.
Explore the source code of this package to learn how to create a minimal meta-package for any collection of R packages (i.e. a universe), and a website that allows users to search vignettes, datasets, and functions across the entire universe.
You can install the development version of admiralverse from GitHub with:
# install.packages("pak")
#> Loading required package: admiral
#> Loading required package: admiraldev
#> Loading required package: admiralonco
#> Attaching package: 'admiralonco'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:admiral':
#> death_event, lastalive_censor
#> Loading required package: admiralophtha
#> Loading required package: admiralpeds
#> Loading required package: admiralvaccine