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Create a data.frame with documentation metadata of one or more packages. If you develop a universe, such as the tidyverse or tidymodels, dverse helps you to easily create a universe-wide reference for the pkgdown website of your meta-package.


document_universe(x, url_template = NULL)



A character vector giving concepts or package names to match.


Character. A template to generate links to documentation based on the column names of the output – typically package and topic, e.g. "{package}/reference/{topic}.html" (glue::glue() syntax).


A data frame.


#> # A tibble: 87 × 5
#>    topic          alias                 title                    concept package
#>    <chr>          <chr>                 <chr>                    <chr>   <chr>  
#>  1 AirPassengers  AirPassengers         Monthly Airline Passeng… Datase… datase…
#>  2 BJsales        BJsales, BJsales.lead Sales Data with Leading… Datase… datase…
#>  3 BOD            BOD                   Biochemical Oxygen Dema… Datase… datase…
#>  4 CO2            CO2                   Carbon Dioxide Uptake i… Datase… datase…
#>  5 ChickWeight    ChickWeight           Weight versus age of ch… Datase… datase…
#>  6 DNase          DNase                 Elisa assay of DNase     Datase… datase…
#>  7 EuStockMarkets EuStockMarkets        Daily Closing Prices of… Datase… datase…
#>  8 Formaldehyde   Formaldehyde          Determination of Formal… Datase… datase…
#>  9 HairEyeColor   HairEyeColor          Hair and Eye Color of S… Datase… datase…
#> 10 Harman23.cor   Harman23.cor          Harman Example 2.3       Datase… datase…
#> # ℹ 77 more rows