Dataframe the documentation of available packages, and reference objects across multiple packages by package or concept. Combined with krittr::kable() or DT::datatable(), pkgdoc allows you to reference functions by package or concept across multiple packages and to provide links to each topic’s help file (similar to the Reference section of a pkgdown website but not limited to a single package).



search_docs() creates a dataframe of documentation available to you.

# Documentation of all installed packages
#> # A tibble: 71,919 x 11
#>    package libpath id    name  title topic encoding type  alias keyword
#>    <chr>   <chr>   <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>    <chr> <chr> <chr>  
#>  1 acepack C:/Use~ 1/1   ace   Alte~ ace   ""       help  ace   models 
#>  2 acepack C:/Use~ 1/2   avas  Addi~ avas  ""       help  avas  models 
#>  3 acepack C:/Use~ 1/2   avas  Addi~ avas  ""       help  avas~ models 
#>  4 addine~ C:/Use~ 2/1   addi~ RStu~ addi~ ""       help  addi~ <NA>   
#>  5 addine~ C:/Use~ 2/1   addi~ RStu~ addi~ ""       help  addi~ <NA>   
#>  6 addine~ C:/Use~ 2/2   find~ Find~ find~ ""       help  find~ <NA>   
#>  7 addine~ C:/Use~ 2/3   inse~ Inse~ inse~ ""       help  inse~ <NA>   
#>  8 addine~ C:/Use~ 2/4   refo~ Refo~ refo~ ""       help  refo~ <NA>   
#>  9 addine~ C:/Use~ 2/5   subs~ Subs~ subs~ ""       help  subs~ <NA>   
#> 10 AGBflu~ C:/Use~ 3/1   AGBf~ AGBf~ AGBf~ UTF-8    help  AGBf~ intern~
#> # ... with 71,909 more rows, and 1 more variable: concept <chr>

some_packages <- c("utils", "base")
#> # A tibble: 5,935 x 11
#>    package libpath id    name  title topic encoding type  alias keyword
#>    <chr>   <chr>   <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>    <chr> <chr> <chr>  
#>  1 base    C:/Use~ 10/1  abbr~ Abbr~ abbr~ ""       help  abbr~ charac~
#>  2 base    C:/Use~ 10/2  agrep Appr~ agrep ""       help  agrep charac~
#>  3 base    C:/Use~ 10/2  agrep Appr~ agrep ""       help  agre~ charac~
#>  4 base    C:/Use~ 10/2  agrep Appr~ agrep ""       help  fuzz~ charac~
#>  5 base    C:/Use~ 10/2  agrep Appr~ agrep ""       help  .ama~ charac~
#>  6 base    C:/Use~ 10/2  agrep Appr~ agrep ""       help  .ama~ charac~
#>  7 base    C:/Use~ 10/3  all.~ Test~ all.~ ""       help  all.~ progra~
#>  8 base    C:/Use~ 10/3  all.~ Test~ all.~ ""       help  all.~ progra~
#>  9 base    C:/Use~ 10/3  all.~ Test~ all.~ ""       help  all.~ progra~
#> 10 base    C:/Use~ 10/3  all.~ Test~ all.~ ""       help  all.~ progra~
#> # ... with 5,925 more rows, and 1 more variable: concept <chr>

reference_package() and reference_concept() allow you to pick specific documentation.

Use knittr::kable() or DT::datatable() for the links to become clickable.

topic alias title concept package
? datasets, elevation, habitat, stem5, stem6, taxa, tree5, tree6, vft_4quad, tree6_3species Datasets from Luquillo, Puerto Rico. datasets fgeo.x
? download_data Download data from datasets fgeo.x
? example_path Path to directory containing example data. datasets fgeo.x
? autoplot Quick habitat plots. plot functions fgeo.plot
? autoplot Quick plot of species distribution and/or topography. plot functions fgeo.plot
? autoplot_by_species List plots of species distribution and topography (good for pdf output). plot functions fgeo.plot